What is a PPG?
A PPG is a group is open to all patients on the GP practice list including all communities, groups, genders, ages ethnicities, disabilities, paid and unpaid carers and GP practice staff, who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service.
Canvey Island Primary Care Network (PCN) has its own patient group, which is made up of representatives of each of the GP practices on the island. The group meets every couple of months to talk about new projects the PCN is working on, with the opportunity to make sure the patient voice is well and truly heard.
We also invite speakers from local organisations, representatives from voluntary groups and other partners to update the group on what is happening for people who are living locally.
Our patient group has played an important part in the development of our PCN, with invaluable contributions and contacts made by our members’ network and local knowledge.
Who sits on a PPG?
The PCN PPG is made up of a group of volunteer patients and representatives from the PCN. The meetings are chaired by our PCN’s Clinical Director.
What’s expected of me as a member of the PCN PPG?
The PCN PPG holds face-to-face meetings every couple of months, which last for about an hour. If you would prefer, you can just ask to be included on our mailing list, so you can receive minutes of the meetings and be included in surveys.
Purpose of a PPG?
The PPG works together with our member GP practices to represent the patient’s voice in decision making, ensuring that all communities registered with practices are represented.
Being part of a PPG provides an opportunity:
- for patients and PCN staff to meet and discuss constructive suggestions for improving local services, and share concerns that could affect the wider practice population.
- to explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys, contribute to action plans and help monitor improvements
- to support health awareness
- to engage with the local communities to ensure the PPG is truly reflective of our local population in Canvey.
How do I join my local PPG?
Canvey Island PCN has its own PPG which meets on a regular basis to discuss developments within the network and how we can strengthen engagement in the local community. You can also join your GP practice’s patient group – just ask at your GP practice for details.
If you would like to join the PCN group, please contact us using the online form – Contact us
Useful links
The following links may be of interest for ideas, tools or resources:
- National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP)
- Public Health England – Campaign Resource Centre – you can request resource packs if you want to support a Public Health England campaign
- National Institute Health Research – You can find out how your local PPG can get involved in local health research
- Framework for patient and public participation in Health and Justice commissioning – this framework is a guide for NHS commissioners of health and justice services – and anyone who is interested, including patients and the public, the voluntary sector, and providers of health and social care services. The framework describes how NHS England involves patients and the public in the commissioning of health and justice services <note this guidance is due to be revised in June to take into account the move to an ICS>
- NHS England Involvement Hub – a source of information for people who want to get involved in our work or enable others to participate.